oil painter meaning in Chinese
- Wu yunhua a prolific oil painter
油画表现性语言的特征 - Field is research of oil painting . master is mao dai zong , a famous oil painter of china
2003年考入山东艺术学院油画教学研究生专业,师从著名油画家毛岱宗教授。 - Lu jian jun , born in july 1960 in hangzhou , zhejiang province , is a talented young oil painter in china
山东画院教授,山东省美术馆高级教师。 1960年7月出生于杭州。 - Li huipeng is a chinese young oil painter , member of china arts education and research institute
1992年至1996年就读于山东师范大学美术系油画专业班,作品入选省市等等各级美展。 - A collection of works from the exhibition of 100 famous contemporary chinese oil painters small sized works , china national art gallery , beijing